40 Days of Prayer: Day 19

ACFWConference, Prayer Leave a Comment

Day 19

Topic: For those attending as they get into final preparations

Verse: Psalm 66:19-20–But certainly God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer Nor His lovingkindness from me.

Lord, we’re grateful that our members who are attending Conference have persevered to get to this stage of final preparations. We applaud their efforts, diligence, and creativity. We cheer them on in these last days of preparation, knowing that, as Solomon discovered, “better is the end of a thing than the beginning” (Eccl. 7:8a). From the vantage point of time, it’s laudatory that they’ve come this far…by faith. It’s better to be on this side of preparation, winding down, than at the onset of what seemed an impossible task or dream. Thank you, Lord, for the assistance, wisdom and guidance you’ve provided to each member.

Thus, Lord, for our Conference attendees please impress upon them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. More so, Lord, as they commence final preparations, please be the Light who guides them. Illuminate their minds in areas they have requested during prayer, but also in those areas they may have forgotten that require completion prior to Conference. Shine your Word on areas of personal or creative endeavors that need correction, revision or extra attention. Give them peace in knowing that you’ve heard their prayers, and your answers will be revealed in time. Give them peace in accepting those answers, whatever they may be.

For those who may be overwhelmed, please give them the needed strength and courage to complete final preparations. For those who may be discouraged, please remove all fears and doubt. For those who may be fighting fatigue or illness, please bring healing and refreshing.

Finally, Lord, thank you for ushering all attendees into peace and quietness so that they can hear any last-minute instructions you have for them so that Conference will be a success…not by their standards, but by yours.

In Jesus name, amen

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