Fritter Not Away the Hour

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By W G Reese

Sitting at the computer in the far right corner of my basement, my eyes fix on that annoying sentence that rambles no matter what I do. I blow a puff of air in frustration which loosens a small ball of dust in the screen’s upper right side. Hmm… Dust. My finger lifts and wipes it free. Dust on my finger. Hmm… Finger. I pull a Kleenex from its box and wipe off the grey… Hmm… Grey. My eyes shift to the fire well a couple of feet away where the winter-grey sky darkens the room and my mood… Hmm… Mood. Must turn on Happy Lamp. I reach to slide it’s switch to full power and then notice a photo album on the table. I forgot to put that away… Hmm… Photos.

You can guess what happened next.

By the time I put the album back where it belonged and returned to my desk, an hour had passed. Why so distracted? It happens – frustration, bored with my own writing… a kid down the street screaming at his sister… hungry for a taco. Not every day, but I’ve learned not to beat myself up for brain-burps or uninvolved distractions. I know where my heart is and what God has required of me. I’m so thankful that He is, after all, the One Who holds us within the palm of His hand. I love this verse and hold it close.

Isaiah 49:16 “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.”

I don’t believe that God rolls His eyes when you and I have brain-burps or unexpected distractions. He encourages us to accomplish His will by filling us with His passion unto completion. For those of us who love to write — we know what this means to bear fruit with integrity. He also knows that life often yanks us in different directions — sometimes all at once. When we’re finishing a cliff-hanger paragraph and the over-loaded washing machine starts bouncing across the laundry-room floor, it’s ok to take a deep breath and leave the screen or writing pad. Get a cup of coffee or if you’re like me… chocolate and Dr Pepper.

This might help- Rest your mind within that pleasant place of scripture. What’s your favorite? I often quote Psalm 23 because it relaxes me and reminds me that I will get down in print what my brain struggles to convey- (Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death)… you get it. He comforts me.

So you’re finally able to sit and write… wait – was that your baby’s cry when waking from her/his nap? Did your dog bolt to the door to bark at a stranger? Or… is your lunch hour over and your fellow employees walk passed while chatting loudly and waving for you to join them — just when your thoughts jived?

Life, who can figure? He can. Let peace flood your hearts when surrendering your time and work into Jesus’ hands… Hmm… Jesus. Will spend sweet time with Jesus Who loves you and me.

Wendy ReeseW.G. Reese (Wendy) writes speculative-fiction and Author of The Visitor. She is a Southern California Beach Native who now lives in the mountainous panhandle of North Idaho. A story teller since childhood, the wonders of God’s creative gifts has always inspired her imagination. As a lover of sci-fi/fantasy (a Trekkie and not ashamed of it)…her metaphoric writings resonate with the possibility of worlds beyond. Blessed with a loving family and friends that walk alongside, she holds no greater awe than the love of Jesus Christ.

Comments 0

  1. So identify…except for the baby part. 🙂 Excellent advice. My favorite scriptures…well, three of them…is Isaiah 43:1-3. He has called us by name…and he’s with us when we face anythig.

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